- Insurance Coverage for Sri Lankan Refugees, who migrate abroad to work as housewives suffer from poor health both while they are abroad and when they return to Sri Lanka. They are not receiving the healthcare they need, both domestically and abroad, due to inadequate provisions.
- The current policy framework in Sri Lanka for migrant women domestic workers has serious gaps and anomalies in terms of health. The ability of migrants to access care and justice in receiving countries is severely hampered by power imbalances between them and their employers.
- 34,826 people who identified themselves as refugees with the neighborhood police stations would benefit from this.
Features Sri Lankan Refugees Insurance Plan
Refugees from Sri Lanka who live outside of camps maintained by the State government now have access to the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme.
- By enhancing coordination with relevant government and civil society stakeholders, it is possible to maintain the protection space for refugees and asylum seekers while also working to find solutions for both those who have fled their homes and those who have returned.
- promoting public employment and educational opportunities for disadvantaged people in accordance with the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. The cornerstones of UNHCR’s community-based work will continue to be partnerships with UN agencies, NGOs, and faith-based organizations.
- Advocating on behalf of the local Sri Lankan refugees, with a focus on monitoring and reintegration assistance.
- By offering technical assistance, strategic coordination, and capacity building, the government can increase its ownership of the asylum system.
- Promoting adherence to the conventions on statelessness.
Posts to be created
- The posts of 105 super-specialty doctors, 183 specialty doctors, 60 doctors, three dentists, 443 nurses, 14 laboratory technicians, and 18 radiographers would be created in response to the Chief Minister’s directive to upgrade 15 district hospitals to the same standard as medical college hospitals.
- Additionally, a directive was issued to establish the positions of laboratory technicians in 13 hospitals where none existed and radiographers in 98 government hospitals.
- The Chief Minister mandated the hiring of 220 nurses, four nurses per hospital, for the intensive care units for maternity in 55 of 105 government hospitals offering Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC) services.
- According to reports, all travelers with tourist visas to the island country won’t be required to have travel insurance with a minimum coverage of USD $50,000 and hospitalization coverage for COVID-19 treatment. The travelers may purchase the aforementioned policy cover, according to CAASL.
- Holders of Sri Lankan passports, on the other hand, will not be subject to this requirement and will not require COVID-19 insurance coverage when visiting Sri Lanka.
Maternity Hospitals
- There would be an additional posting of 49 specialty doctors and 110 nurses because the maternity units at the Salem, Madurai, and Egmore maternity hospitals have been upgraded to provide CEmONC services.
- The decision to expand the arrangement of having four doctors per maternity unit in nine government medical college hospitals to other such institutions would result in the appointment of eighty-four more doctors. High-risk mothers would receive care from these doctors.
- The number of in-patients and out-patients has increased significantly as a result of the construction of additional buildings for the 56 hospitals that are part of the Directorate of Medical and Rural Health Services.
- The Chief Minister approved the proposal for posting 167 additional nurses to these hospitals in order to deliver the best medical care possible. Additionally, the stipend for nursing students at schools affiliated with different state government hospitals had been raised.
- The amount would increase from Rs. 400 to Rs. 600 for first-year students, from Rs. 440 to Rs. 700 for second-year students, and from Rs. 480 to Rs. 800 for third-year students.
- Every year, 1,935 students would benefit from this, with an additional cost of about Rs. 60.37 lakh.
Contract for Employment
- The majority of the women who were interviewed had already signed a “standard” employment contract with the SLBFE before moving, but some had also signed a second contract with the employer once they arrived, which had less favourable employment terms.
- The interviewees’ accounts indicate that they were forced to put up with employer violations of a number of the health-related clauses in the contract, including those relating to sufficient rest and dietary breaks, working hour restrictions, and general humane treatment.
- The health findings are consistent with broader evidence from other studies that highlights the negative effects of a lack of systematic and effective monitoring of employer compliance with contract terms, which is made worse by the fact that domestic work is not generally covered by national labor laws in the destination countries.
Forces of Security
The Jaffna Peninsula and the country’s North and East continue to be areas where the Sri Lankan military is strongly present. Road closures and military and police checkpoints are both possible outcomes.
Security forces are endowed with a variety of powers, including those to:
- put in curfews
- Hold without payment for a long time
- People, cars, homes, and businesses are all subject to searches.
Police or security forces have occasionally detained people with Sri Lankan heritage, including those without Sri Lankan citizenship.
- Avoid going to high-security zones and military areas.
- Always have a valid form of identification with you.
- Due to the possibility of unexploded mines, stay on busy roads and avoid going on foot through forests and abandoned homes.
- Follow local events using local news
- Observe the guidance provided by local authorities.
- Request that the Canadian High Commission in Sri Lanka and the Maldives be contacted if you are detained by the authorities.
The threat of terrorism exists. Attacks in the past have been fatal.
It’s impossible to rule out additional attacks. Targets could include:
- Government structures, such as schools
- Locations of worship
- Transportation hubs and networks, including airports
- Public spaces, including tourist destinations, eateries, bars, coffee shops, shops, markets, hotels, and other locations frequently visited by foreigners
When you’re out and about in public, be mindful of your surroundings.
- Violence against foreigners from Western countries sometimes takes the form of harassment and assault.
- Pickpocketing and purse snatching are common forms of petty crime, especially on public transportation. Theft has occurred in hotels and guesthouses.
- Credit card fraud is widespread. Keep a close eye on your credit card whenever it is being used. To minimize risks, you should opt to pay in cash whenever possible.
- Always make sure that your personal belongings, such as your passport and other travel documents, are secure.
Food and beverages that have been infused
Instances of drink-spiking have targeted foreigners, frequently in conjunction with sexual assault or theft. Never trust strangers with your food or drink while they are unattended.
Be cautious when accepting snacks, drinks, gum, or cigarettes from strangers. These items might contain drugs that put you at risk of robbery and sexual assault.
Intercommunal Conflict
There are intercommunal and religious tensions all over the country, and these tensions have resulted in violence. There may be more violent incidents.
Safety for Women
Unwanted attention is frequently directed at women. They should be cautious when they are on their own.
Road safety
Outside of major cities, roads are typically in poor condition.
Due to poorly maintained vehicles, reckless driving habits, pedestrians, and roving animals on the road, road accidents—which frequently result in death and injury—are common.
Short-notice road closures are possible.
Transportation in general
Bus travel is generally dangerous because of the chance of theft and aggressive drivers.
Air travel
We don’t evaluate whether international safety standards are being followed by domestic airlines from other countries.
It might not be safe to swim. The authorities in your area should be obeyed.
Facilities for Travelers
There are many tourist facilities, but they range in quality, especially inland. A reliable travel agency should be used to plan your travel to isolated areas.
What is known about the topic?
*Compared to other residents, refugees have worse health outcomes, particularly in terms of mental health. To close this gap, providers may benefit from a better understanding of their individual health-related narratives.
What does the present study add?
*New information about the stories of ill Sri Lankan Tamil refugees who sought medical attention after being resettled in Australia could be helpful for providing clinical care and health services.
The program aims to offer relief and assistance for rehabilitation to Sri Lankan refugees living in refugee camps. As they enter the transit camp, refugees receive assistance and a health check-up.
The Government of Tamil Nadu established refugee camps, where Primary Health Centers and Government Hospitals provide medical assistance. You can learn more about the goals of this program, as well as the food distribution, medical care, financial aid, and other services provided to refugees under the program.